Bastard traitor samaras
Mitsotaki mpakogiani
Germans come
U will lick my ass
Drachma will come soon
You will suffer the loss of your best european partener who you betrayed
Hellenics addapt
Loose and go on united and feed even the efialtis
It was a battle
The war is war
Fellows dear fellows please stay calm
We will act radically when all is organised , yeroun soible dragi cameron oland merkel
U r cursed by all europeans
Historians no needed
The kids will recall who assasinated mothers
You bastards weapon merchants
Killers genociders
We know how you act
Everywhere the same story always the same
Genocide wars dictatorships
Here your methods do not apply
Just because we devalue your falocratic erection and your capricious greediness
Here the mothers will soon speak united
And will care about mothers in china in colombia in uk in tehran in moscow in jerousalim in gaza in novosibirsk in delhi in pretoria in zimbabwe
Hellenics will act radically for all
Hellenic mothers have tought us to respect and love planet
Every race every nation
To recruit and employ progressively creatively resources and commodities
To decline any fetishism
To preserve and stand for ideals such us welfare and merit for all human kinds
No rasism no class devision no slavery
No exploitation
Pure knowledge sharing
No assymetrical discriminative beraucratical states
Fellows stay original authentic oppose the orchestred public sphere transformation
Devalue mediums of information systems and exchange
Think emvryo disables women kids
Clean free water and a blue sky
Hellenics will show u the way
Bastard technocrats be aware
Be aware
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